Minimum amount of donations required to be a Wertz Warrior
Note: Although these are minimum amounts required, each new rider is encouraged to raise above and beyond the required amounts. These amounts are due each year prior to the start of the ride. If other arrangements need to be made due the timing of a planned fundraiser, please notify the Board of Directors and it will be taken under advisement.
*Please note that there is a minimum requirement of $2,500.00 to be a stop on the Wertz Warriors ride.
*Although the meetings are not mandatory, you are encouraged to attend in order to fully understand the events that will take place during the ride and so you can ask any questions that you have.
Please keep in mind that an elected board member will also be required to provide any other required information that you will need.
Please understand the purpose of the Wertz Warriors Snowmobile Endurance Ride is to continually pursue the goal of raising donations to the amount of or exceeding the amount required to cover the cost of the actual winter games.
This is week long effort, of which as a “Wertz Warrior” you are required to take part in. Furthermore, within this week long ride, your attendance is a mandatory requirement at each “official” stop and or event whether you are a rider or on the support crew, without exception! We will attempt to cover as many miles as possible on the snowmobiles even if the conditions are less than favorable. However, as conditions dictate, our scheduled route and or stops will be completed each day thoughout the week in whatever support vehicles are available to us.
It is also your understanding that we are a group, and being such, every effort is made to make decisions that are in the best interest of our group. These decisions are made by the elected board members. Once these decisions are made by the board, whether you agree or not, it is your responsibility as a Wertz Warrior to abide by that decision. Opinions and suggestions will always be attended to at the appropriate time and place.
Your individual actions while on this ride are a reflection on all of us Warriors. Our reputation and future existence depends mainly on our behavior that we project to others as we proudly wear our “Green Jackets”. Never let the Wertz Warrior name be placed in jeopardy by the actions of yourself or any other fellow Warriors. Remember who we are and why you became a Wertz Warrior.
If you understand and agree to the statements and guidelines that have been outlined for you in this Wertz Warriors application please sign and date the bottom of this page. Have your sponsor sign it and they will submit it to the Board of Directors for approval.